Behind The Scenes: A Japanese Magnolia Masterpiece

Behind The Scenes of A Recent Commissioned Painting

Behind the scenes of a Japanese Magnolia Commission by Artist, CoCo Zentner

The Commission Process

This painting holds more than just strokes of paint & layers of color; it represents a journey through seasons, emotions, & personal growth for me. 

In late 2023, right after facing a really difficult & tragic loss, I received a call from a now dear client wanting to commission a custom Japanese Magnolia painting for her beautiful dining room to hang above her mantle.

I immediately knew I wanted to take this commission on as the subject matter resonated deeply with me. Japanese Magnolias were always a sign that spring was near in my home state of Louisiana.  

After we met in person & locked down the size of the painting (50” x 42”), I had the canvas professionally built & stretched. Soon after, I got a call from my brother that the Japanese Magnolias were in full bloom in New Orleans. Without hesitation, my husband took off work to take care of our daughter, & I booked a last-minute flight to my home state, armed with my camera & a heart full of anticipation.

Woman Painting Pink flowers in studio next to large windows and dog

Behind the Scenes

From mid-February to mid-May, my focus was solely on this painting. Layer by layer, detail by detail, I poured my heart & soul into every brushstroke, allowing the canvas to absorb not just paint, but all of my emotions.

This painting became my sanctuary, a place where grief, loss, & hope converged. Amidst the challenges I’ve faced over the last six months, the promise of springtime served as a beacon of light for me, guiding me through some really hard days.

'In Bloom Again' has become a testament to resilience, renewal, & the enduring beauty that emerges after the coldest of winters. With each stroke, I found solace; with each petal, I found strength.

I hope that this painting serves as a reminder that no matter the hardships you may face, beauty awaits, ready to bloom once more.

Woman Standing next to oil painting canvas holding paintbrush -CoCo Zentner Art
CoCo Zentner Artist painting on glass palette with oil paints
Painting Process of Oil painting of Japanese Magnolia Flowers by Artist, CoCo Zentner

The Grand Reveal

Pink Japanese Magnolia Painting in gold frame above fireplace in dining room
Luxurious Dining Room with chandelier and pink realistic floral painting hanging above fireplace

Once the painting was complete, my client chose a beautiful gold custom floating frame, and then I had my shipping courier transfer it to her beautiful home. After months of hard work, planning, and painting, I absolutely love how this painting turned out! Working with such kind, patient clients who have a clear vision of how they want their space to look and feel is so important, and I am so thrilled to have been a part of such a fun process!

To see other favorite commissions, be sure to read about these New Orleans’ Japanese Magnolias and Austin Cactus pieces.


Until next time,


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