Southeast Asia Inspiration

Southeast Asia

A Trip of a Lifetime

The past few years have been a whirlwind. Buying a home, changing career paths, and getting married were all big stepping stones, and then there were also the million other little things that happened in between. Will and I sat down this past January and agreed that 2019 was going to be the year of saving and NO change.

The joke was on us. Literally the next morning, the company Will worked for was bought out by a Chinese agency, and due to US regulations, the Austin office was shuttered. Looking back, this was a huge blessing in disguise, but at that moment in time, it was very trying. With very little thought, we bought impromptu flights to Southeast Asia (thank you severance package), and decided that this trip would help us navigate what we both really wanted in this world.

In my mind, I truly thought that we would have this Eat, Pray, Love experience, and that we would come home with either a million-dollar idea or as the next big travel bloggers (ha!). Unfortunately, we didn’t come home with either of those successes; however, despite the copious amount of Pad Thai that was consumed, we had more laughs that turned into tears and thought-provoking conversations than I could have ever imagined.

This trip in itself was a huge inspiration for me. The people we met along the way were so kind and courteous towards us, and we will forever remember the generosity that others shared with us. The delicious food was remarkable, and we have tried so hard to emulate the cuisine now that we are home, but it just doesn't come close to it. And lastly, the scenery was breathtaking. The vibrant colors that filled every textile to the stunning landscapes that surrounded us will forever be ingrained in my mind. Constant colors, patterns, and textures that I now see in my everyday surroundings remind me of this beautiful part of the world, and I have been striving to bring these memories to life through my artwork.

This unforgettable time together impacted me significantly, and for that, I felt compelled to create a collection that resembled this trip of a lifetime. The Porcelain Series not only represents a transformative period, but it also depicts the vibrant culture and ornate detail in Southeast Asia that forever changed me. This series will be available on October 24, 2019, and I can’t wait to share more inspiration behind it in the coming weeks!

Bahn Mi
  • Click here to see a conglomeration of what has inspired me following our trip and a glimpse of the work that I’ve created stemming from our travels.

  • Listen to the music that helped get my creative juices flowing as I created this series.

  • View the interiors that have inspired a portion of this collection.

  • Sign-up here to receive early access to shop this collection and to receive exclusive discounts.

If you have any questions around our trip itinerary or about my upcoming series, please email me directly at, or comment below!

All the best,


To see more inspirational photos and behind-the-scenes of our Southeast Asia travels, follow along on Instagram at @cocozentner_art.

Here’s a glimpse of The Porcelain Series:

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