Preparing for a Photoshoot


One piece of advice that I was given before starting my art business was to hire a photographer. I was slightly confused as to why this would be pertinent prior to launching; however, now looking back, it helped me to convey my brand and to look professional from the start.

Preparing for a photoshoot can seem very daunting, especially if you are like me and a little camera shy. After agreeing to do the photoshoot, I realized that I had ZERO clue what I needed to do in order to be prepared and for it to be successful. With these guidelines, you will be able to work your photoshoot with all of the confidence in the world!

1.) Hire the Right Photographer:

  • First and foremost, you must hire a good photographer. Do extensive research with photographers in your community and see if their style reflects what you would like your images to look like (if money is an issue, see if you can trade services with your photographer so that you both profit).

2.) Prepare a Mood Board:

  •  Create a board (use Pinterest to find good examples of branding photographs) of images that resonate with the ‘look’ that you are trying to achieve, as well as the color scheme that your brand reflects.

  • A great (and FREE!) app to help convey the aesthetic and vision for your brand is Milanote. This has helped me tremendously in putting together a cohesive idea of what I am trying to achieve. Doing this step will not only serve you, but your photographer will also thank you!

3.) Put together your outfit(s) in advance:

  • I have had major outfit dilemmas the day-of photoshoots, so learn from my mistakes! Have your outfits ready to go in advance. Make sure your clothes have been ironed, jewelry is out, and lay out any other accessories that may be needed.

  • I like to have several outfits ready for the shoot (that also don't have pattern and don't reflect a certain season, so that you can repurpose your content throughout the year). 

Photograph by Kayla Snell.

Photograph by Kayla Snell.

Photo taken by Kayla Snell.

Photo taken by Kayla Snell.

*Questions and topics to discuss with potential photographers:

 1.) How much does a branding session typically cost?

 2.) How many photos do they typically provide within that timeframe and price range? 

 3.) Be sure to agree on a timeframe that has good daylight and allows for evenly lit photos that aren't stark.

 4.) Discuss the location that you have in mind, and if they have suggestions for other places.

Photograph taken by Kayla Snell.

Photograph taken by Kayla Snell.

Helpful Tips during photoshoots:

  1. Get a manicure (a little confidence boost!)

  2. Change into your outfit right before your shoot, so you don't get dirty or sweaty.

  3. Eat before so you aren't hungry!

  4. Have all of your props ready the day before - you never know what issues may arise!

    • Example: if you're a baker, have some of the food already made and some in the 'half-way stage.' For me, I have my palette ready to go, outfits laid out the day before, and flowers arranged. 

  5. Play music in the background to loosen up the environment!

  6. If you're looking to get a lot of photos for social media or Pinterest, ask for vertical images. If you're looking for photographs for your website, you will want more horizontal images! 

  7. Be sure to get several headshots - these will be used more often than you think!


Resource Guide

Looking to further your skills in art? In this condensed guide, I provide everything I use in my studio - from my painting supply to my social media applications and subscriptions. I’ve spent countless hours and money trying to learn so many things and discovering the right products. Get this guide to save you the same headache!


I hope that this guide helps you with your photoshoots moving forward! Please reach out if you have any questions or feedback in the comment section below, as I love to hear from you. I honestly look forward to these shoots each quarter now, and I think you'll enjoy this process just as much!

Want to know what I’m up to on the every day? Follow along on Instagram at @cocozentner_art or on my Pinterest page. I love to post what inspires me, behind the scenes of my painting process, and my pup, Maudie!

Until next time,

Signature CoCo Zentner Copyright

To see more about what inspires CoCo, check-out her Instagram page at @cocozentner_art!