CoCo Zentner Art

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Behind The Scenes: A Japanese Magnolia Masterpiece

Behind The Scenes of A Recent Commissioned Painting

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The Commission Process

This painting holds more than just strokes of paint & layers of color; it represents a journey through seasons, emotions, & personal growth for me. 

In late 2023, right after facing a really difficult & tragic loss, I received a call from a now dear client wanting to commission a custom Japanese Magnolia painting for her beautiful dining room to hang above her mantle.

I immediately knew I wanted to take this commission on as the subject matter resonated deeply with me. Japanese Magnolias were always a sign that spring was near in my home state of Louisiana.  

After we met in person & locked down the size of the painting (50” x 42”), I had the canvas professionally built & stretched. Soon after, I got a call from my brother that the Japanese Magnolias were in full bloom in New Orleans. Without hesitation, my husband took off work to take care of our daughter, & I booked a last-minute flight to my home state, armed with my camera & a heart full of anticipation.

Behind the Scenes

From mid-February to mid-May, my focus was solely on this painting. Layer by layer, detail by detail, I poured my heart & soul into every brushstroke, allowing the canvas to absorb not just paint, but all of my emotions.

This painting became my sanctuary, a place where grief, loss, & hope converged. Amidst the challenges I’ve faced over the last six months, the promise of springtime served as a beacon of light for me, guiding me through some really hard days.

'In Bloom Again' has become a testament to resilience, renewal, & the enduring beauty that emerges after the coldest of winters. With each stroke, I found solace; with each petal, I found strength.

I hope that this painting serves as a reminder that no matter the hardships you may face, beauty awaits, ready to bloom once more.

The Grand Reveal

Once the painting was complete, my client chose a beautiful gold custom floating frame, and then I had my shipping courier transfer it to her beautiful home. After months of hard work, planning, and painting, I absolutely love how this painting turned out! Working with such kind, patient clients who have a clear vision of how they want their space to look and feel is so important, and I am so thrilled to have been a part of such a fun process!

To see other favorite commissions, be sure to read about these New Orleans’ Japanese Magnolias and Austin Cactus pieces.

Until next time,

Interested in discussing a commissioned painting? Click here to learn more!

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