Bring On the New Decade

2020: Let’s Go!

When I worked at a large tech company, we had to create a ‘Year at a Glance’ and S.M.A.R.T. goals at the beginning of each fiscal year. While I didn’t take this very seriously then, I now realize how important it is to set such goals to hold oneself accountable and to analyze the past year results.

CoCo Zentner - Artist laying out all of her goals for 2020 and how she is going to achieve them.

One way of measuring this upcoming year will be through The Maker’s Yearbook. I’ve always been one to write my weekly goals and to do’s on tiny sheets of paper that can be found scattered all over our house. I grew up being very good at using a planner, but once I got to college and technology became so accessible, I slowly stopped using an actual planner. However, The Maker’s Yearbook is exactly what I need to measure my financial and personal goals as it provides monthly reviews of my sales, my customers, and my wellbeing. It also has a segment to compare your stats for growth in social media and on your website.

I’m laying out all of my goals for this year as a way to really measure where I am most successful and where I come out short. Last year, I did ZERO planning - I literally didn’t know what each quarter would look like. I set myself up for an unsuccessful year (but honestly, in my books, it was still a success in many ways).

Business Goals:

  1. Double my VIP email subscribers -

    • My email list is my tribe, they are my number one supporters and cheer me on from the sidelines. I love to serve my list with tips, discounts, and behind-the-scenes of my job and my life.

  2. Paint, Paint, Paint -

    • I am planning to only do 6 commissions this year, to allow me to really focus on finding my signature style. My hope is to have 2 online launches with about 15-20 paintings each, and to do more home shows this upcoming year.

  3. Double my income -

    • I know that this is going to be difficult, but with my business plan that I’ve written for this year, I think it’s attainable.

  4. Be featured in publications and podcasts -

Personal Goals:

  1. Make 20 new meals in 2020 -

    • Because we will be working at a summer camp for 3 months, this is more realistic than my last year 52 meals. Coq Au Vin is top on my list, and I can’t wait to master it!

  2. Build a covered patio with a fireplace at our home -

    • We love spending time outdoors whenever possible, and Will and I both dream of having a covered area to watch football and serve gumbo on a cold night! Check out my inspiration here.

  3. Invest in a rental property -

    • Investing our money wisely is something my husband has been teaching me, slowly but surely!

  4. Get more involved within our church and community -

    • This has been on our goal list every year, and we always make excuses to why we haven’t gotten more involved. Now is the time, my friends! 2020 is the year of being committed and helping others.

Cheers to 2020!

Recipe for the Perfect Bourbon Slush Holiday Cocktail:

- 4 Green Tea Bags (regular size) in 2 cups of boiling water - 2 cups of sugar in 7 cups of boiling water

Prepare above mixtures separately & then add together: - (1) 12 ounce can of frozen lemonade - (1) 12 ounce can of orange juice - (2) Cups of Bourbon

Freeze overnight! CheersThis has always been my favorite cocktail to end the holiday season off with a fun twist.

Alright, so I’m shooting for the stars on a lot of these lofty goals, but I’m going to do everything I can to reach them. I would love to know what your 2020 goals and aspirations are - so please comment in the section below! As always, thanks so much for following along.

Until next time & cheers to 2020!

Signature CoCo Zentner copyright

To continue following CoCo along, check-out her Instagram page at @cocozentner_art to stay up to speed with what inspires her!

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