CoCo Zentner Art

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My Summer Sabbatical Must-Haves

While my husband and I took the summer off to travel to Southeast Asia and then work alongside one another at a summer camp for 4 months, I realized I needed to have a game plan to not only stay motivated but to also continue fueling my artistic desire. 

While many of these books, podcasts, and shows aren’t all relevant and ‘new’, they each sparked some sort of joy that kept me inspired and encouraged throughout a very stagnant season in my life. 

Below is a compilation of everything that I’ve delved into throughout this summer that I found to be inspirational and enjoyable. Each grouping is divided into three categories: leisure, business, and art, so there is something for everyone to appreciate.

Please share any gratifying or entertaining ‘must-haves’ this summer in the comment section below!

Summer Reads:

Tuning In:

The Watch List:

I hope these reads, listens, and viewings can help you to be motivated and inspired, whether you are going through a seasonal slump or looking for something new. Please let me know if you have any good recommendations as I am always wanting to add to my list!

Until next time,

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