CoCo Zentner Art

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Dress Your Tech : Free Fall Background


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Desktop | iPhone 6/8+ | iPhone X & XI

More than ever, I am so excited for the comfort of the fall. As a young girl, I LOVED the start of school and the beginning of new sports, a fresh wardrobe, and a clean start to the year. Now that I am older, I still have this affinity towards the revitalization that fall brings. Although COVID-19 has put a halt to our normal daily lives, there seems to be a bit more energy in Austin now that school (both virtual & in-person) has started and the fall clothing begins to break out. I start cooking a lot more during this time of year (my go-to: chili and cornbread), and everyone seems to be more enthusiastic (and exhausted) now that routines are back in place.

Shockingly, the holidays are already encroaching on my mind, and I am hitting the ground running on many exciting ideas for this winter. However, I want to soak in this season and be present. I love the rust-colored leaves, the smell of burning firewood, and the howling of my husband and his buddies while watching football. I am so eager to put out Halloween decoration and to make some very basic but delicious chocolate-chip pumpkin bread. I hope that you can savor this season and really take the time to enjoy the fall colors, sounds, and aromas around you.

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This season is the first online launch that I’ve had in many months, and I am so excited to finally showcase it to the public. In honor of my upcoming collection, The Dutch Flower Series, I have created a free fall tech background for you to download onto your desktop and iPhone!

As I write this, the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic and a very uncertain time with so many natural disasters in America. Hopefully, you're able to get outside and enjoy this fall weather; however, if this isn’t a possibility, I hope I can bring a little dose of warmth and color to your tech.

*These downloads are free for personal use only! Please don't use them for commercial or marketing purposes in part or whole without my written permission.

Our Fall Favorites:

What We Are Reading:

  • If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love to discuss my favorite audiobooks & current reads. This book was by far one of the most moving books I’ve come across in 2020. I cried, I laughed, and I even dreamt about it. If you end up reading it, I’d love to know your thoughts!

  • For my favorite recent interior design books that have been released, you can shop them below!

What We Are Eating:

What We Are Watching:

  • Thank goodness football is back and gracing our televisions or else I’d have a very unhappy husband! Other than NFL being a constant in our household, I have completely become addicted to this Netflix show & reorganizing every nook & cranny in our home!

Shop Our Favorite Fall Finds by Clicking Below:

Want to know what I’m up to on the every day? Follow along on Instagram at @cocozentner_art or on my Pinterest page. I love to post what inspires me, behind the scenes of my painting process, and my pup, Maudie!

I hope the beginning of this new autumn season brings you joy, laughter, and hope!

Until next time,

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To see more about what inspires CoCo, check-out her Instagram page at @cocozentner_art!