CoCo Zentner Art

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Creating During the Quarantine

How To Stay Creative During COVID-19

Having a creative outlet has become more critical than ever as many of us remain indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve compiled a list of ways to keep the creative juices flowing in your household and make great activities for all ages! I have also created 5 free coloring book pages that have been very popular for the kids to enjoy (and even for the parents needing to ‘wine’ down at the end of the day)! I hope you enjoy these suggestions and please let me know if you try any of them out.

10 ways to Stay Creative During COVID-19:

  1. Put on a play for your family (and watch Hamilton for some major inspiration!).

  2. Create daily drawings of objects around you, things you see outside of your window, etc. (I love this sketchbook & always have one nearby).

  3. Journal each day - this will be something you will be glad you did down the road!

  4. Try cooking something new! This is a great activity to get your family involved, whether it’s a fun dessert or family-styled dinner.

  5. Start a scrapbook! I have always loved scrapbooking, and it’s a great reason to finally print out all of those photos on your phone and computer!

  6. Create an itinerary for that dream vacation. This will be something to inspire you and to get you thinking ahead!

  7. Set up a scavenger hunt around your home and yard! This could be a great activity for all ages.

  8. Learn how to play a musical instrument. There are now so many free tutorials on how to play the guitar and piano on YouTube!

  9. Master a foreign language - this app is a wonderful way to learn that language you’ve always wanted to speak, & there is no better time to learn!

  10. Come create with me! Join me on Instagram for free live tutorials where we will go through setting up a composition, painting tips and tricks, and so much more!

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Join me on Instagram:

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I have LOVED seeing images of what you all have created, whether they were drawings from my free IG live art lessons or images of completed coloring pages, please keep them coming! You can email me your creations at or send me a message on Instagram (you may even get a special shoutout from me on my stories!)!

Some great examples sent to CoCo!

FREE Coloring Book Pages

Grab your free coloring book pages here - a great activity to do for the kids or for you when you are ‘wining’ down after a long day!

I hope that some of the above activities keep you staying creative during the quarantine! Please comment below if you try any of the suggestions or if you and your loved ones have done anything else to carry on.

Want to know what I’m up to on the every day? Follow along on Instagram at @cocozentner_art or on my Pinterest page. I love to post what inspires me, behind the scenes of my painting process, and my pup, Maudie!

Until next time,

<< Want to learn more about painting processes and tips? Click here! >>

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To see more about what inspires CoCo, check-out her Instagram page at @cocozentner_art!

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