CoCo Zentner Art

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What Do Colors Really Mean?

What Do Colors Really Mean?

I love color. I think that this statement is evident in my vibrant paintings and the clothes I tend to wear. I wish I had more of a desire to paint with neutral tones, but it just isn’t in my bones (and I am sure my husband wishes our house didn’t have flashes of hot pink and blue throughout every room). We as humans tend to be drawn to certain colors, patterns, and tones, which often make us subconsciously feel and act in certain ways.

Whether you’re an artist or not, understanding the history and meaning behind colors can really help navigate the type of style of interior decorating you lean towards, the clothing you’re inclined to wear, or the painting you’ve been wanting to buy but just don’t know why.

To better understand why colors make us feel certain ways or draw certain emotions – we need to understand that there are 3 primary colors: Red, Yellow, and Blue. These are the source of all colors and cannot be mixed from other colors. Taking it back to our younger years, when you combine two primary colors, they make a secondary color: for example, red + yellow = orange; yellow + blue = green, and red + blue = purple.

Taking it one step further, complementary colors are the opposite hues on the color wheel. Essentially, it is the primary color and the secondary color that is made from the other two primary colors. Therefore, yellow’s complementary color is purple, which is a mix of red and blue. Complementary colors make one another stand out, and the brain finds that they pair nicely. If you think of your favorite football team’s colors, the two colors may be compliments of one another (LSU, Florida Gators, etc.). Red and Green automatically make me think of Christmas, but these two colors together most likely will bring you joy in any situation.

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  • Often used to captivate attention (advertisements frequently utilize red), red is a powerful color that represents drama and passion. It is universally understood to represent danger, power, and courage.


  • Like the sun, orange is the color of encouragement, warmth, and motivation. Orange typically has a positive connotation and conveys excitement and health. Orange gives off a sensation of heat but isn’t as aggressive as red.


  • Also, like the sun, yellow is an uplifting color that portrays optimism. It’s a fresh and youthful color that creates fresh energy. My classrooms growing up were always painted yellow, and I remember a teacher telling us that they did this to help us be better at decision making and to be clear-minded – who knows if that actually is true or not, but I haven’t forgotten it!


  • Representing growth and renewal, green is often associated with security and prosperity. Obviously, many can associate this color to money; however, in studies, green is the most restful color for our eyes.


  • Often used by medical facilities and airlines, blue represents wisdom, loyalty, and intelligence. It is a rather relaxing color (think of the ocean and sky), and therefore will be seen as the branding color on many cleaning products. Blue rarely is used to advertise food as it is found to lower the appetite.


  • The combination of red (energy) and blue (stability) tends to be associated with royalty, mystery, and enlightenment. Children often prefer this color because it is often a strong indicator of imagination and magic; it is rarely found in nature and is somewhat an artificial color.  


  • Used to represent purity (weddings) and innocence, white is associated with cleanliness, simplicity, light, and elegance. Its cleanliness is often seen in medical centers to communicate safety. Often, white is used to represent new beginnings and renewal.


  • A strong and powerful color, black can both evoke positive and negative associations. It can represent sophistication, strength, and secrecy. Although it can be overpowering, black is an elegant color that helps other colors stand out.

Hopefully, a few of these color tips will help you the next time you decide to paint your walls or are looking to re-do your kitchen!

Until next time,

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To see more about what inspires CoCo, check-out her Instagram page at @cocozentner_art!